Human trafficking happens in our communities.
Exploitation is traumatic and damages millions of people around the world. Current solutions focus on removing people from trafficking via law enforcement operations, which is important. But removing people before they are engaged in their healing can be disastrous. At HealEx, we have discovered that to have sustainable, long-term healing from the trauma of exploitation, people need to start healing before they escape.
HealEx is pioneering healing focused solutions.
We have found new, innovative ways to access exploited people, develop trust with them, and build up their self-worth enough to make a sustainable escape into a happier, healthier life. Not only are we developing solutions, but we are also sharing those solutions with the world through storytelling, teaching, and consulting.
If you care about getting to the root of modern slavery
or if you want to be involved in authentic solutions for the most vulnerable and marginalized people in the world, then HealEx is the place for your voice and impact.
By using your passion, skills, network, and resources, we can break the cycle of exploitation and end slavery for individuals, one by one.
Our Direct Impact

Our Story
While providing humanitarian services to people suffering from poverty, violence, and abuse, our founder discovered that the most vulnerable and underserved people he worked with were suffering from exploitation.
After many poignant experiences with survivors of exploitation, he decided to dedicate his life’s work to helping exploited people
heal from trauma and end the slavery cycle, one person at a time.
Drew founded our flagship program in 2018. HealEx has since been a hub for healing and learning about human trafficking and exploitation.